Monday, 7 May 2012

Rei Shito, Tokyo

It was great to meet up again with Rei Shito on our last trip to Tokyo and James and I were super excited to be involved and be part of her new book "Tokyo 100 Fashion Guide". The book has just recently been released, and it features pictures of Rei taking fashion friends around to some of her favourite shopping and dining places in Tokyo. For our part, we spent the day out in Koenji starting out with a nice lunch at a cute little cafe called Hattifnatt, and then going on to explore some of Rei's favorite vintage shops. So, if you're in Tokyo (or planning to head over there) and need a guide as to where to go for the best shopping and eats, make sure you grab a copy of her book (and check out our section on pages 14-21)!!! It's available for sale here.